Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rejected by scientologists everywhere

Tom Cruise and John Travolta will, most likely, not be joining my circle of friends, seeing as I have become a rather liberal medicator of my children (yeah, THAT'S the reason). There was a time when I was hesitant to bust out the Tylenol, but now we use it (among other drugs of choice) much like Windex in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". A remedy for any and all ailments or mood changes. I bring it up since Grayson started on Zantac yesterday. Yes, Zantac. He's essentially on heartburn meds for babies. While cute as a button (cuter, in fact, as I don't find buttons that attractive) and precious as can be, he has grown increasingly challenging in the last week. His fussy time has grown to encompass the entire day. Sometimes it's all-out screaming and crying, sometimes it's just generally being unsettled and fussing. To date we have tried the following remedies:
- walking around
-driving around
- holding in different positions
- feeding
- burping
- feeding again (and again and again)
- heating pad on the tummy
- swing
- bouncy seat
- bouncy seat on vibrate
- wildly bouncing bouncy seat on vibrate
- pacifier
- music
- other forms of noise

Each of these works at one time or another but not consistently and not for very long. Thursday things hit their peak when he was fussy the entire time I was out running errands with him. I was starting to get "the look" from fellow shoppers. You know the one I'm talking about: pity mixed with relief that they're not in the same boat. Sometimes with a tinge of irritation. I finally decided to call the doc just to set my mind at ease that we were doing everything possible for him. The office ended up having us come in just to check him out, and the doc said it would be worthwhile to give Zantac a week's trial just to rule out reflux. The past couple of days have been a bit of an improvement, and we're also entering into that 6th week of life when babies generally peak with their fussiness. I don't know if that causes me to feel more relief (that the end could be in sight) or dread (that this week will be worse than all the rest). Time will tell. The pluses here: I am learning to better tolerate kid crying and the older boys are learning a lot about patience (although not always by my modeling it for them).


Anonymous said...

Why is that the docs give meds to the kids and forget about the moms? We need a few gin and tonics too..that always eases our pain -- then maybe we won't hear theirs as much? Now our drug of choice for everything: Clariten. luv roobs

Jess said...

Jude started Zantac last Friday for the same exact thing!!!! Ie- see my post Zantac saved my life... I'll give you a call tomorrow and we can compare notes- our lives are destined to run parallel for both the good and the bad!