Monday, March 9, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes

After I had been (greatly over)reacting to a disappointing situation this morning (ie: unnecessary tears and a teensy amount of ranting), this conversation took place between Jeran and me:

JJ: Mom, are you sad?
Me: Yeah, honey, Mommy's feeling a little sad and mad.
JJ: That's just like how I cry when someone takes a toy away from me.
Me: Yeah, it's not really the best way for us to handle feeling sad and mad, is it? Mommy really needs to pray about how she's feeling.
JJ: Yeah, and Mommy? You need to take some deep breaths and calm down.

It's funny how your own instruction and advice can come back to bite you in the butt.

1 comment:

none said...

When small Tai gets upset and starts throwing tantrums, we video tape him and let him watch himself. :)